
Wet-lab resouces

Molecular cloning protocols from Addgene | Plasmid Repository DNASU

Cell culture basics from Gibco

Avoiding RNase contamination from NEB

Useful lab tips from Bitesize Bio

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols: click here  

Dry-lab resources

UVA R workshops: from Intro to Data visualization | R Studio Cheatsheets 

UCSC genome browser trainings | ENCODE Portal: click here

NCI Genomic Data Commons Data Portal | cBioPortal for cancer genomics

RNA modification database Modomics  | tRNA database GtRNAdb | RNAcentral

Genotype Tissue Expression Portal GTex | The Human Protein atlas: click here 

Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer COSMIC | Cancer Dependency Map DepMap

The R graph gallery | Data visualization by Zuguang Gu 

Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core training | NYU NGS analysis learning

NCI Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Core facilities and common softwares

UAB library (useful for ILL requests)|How to keep informed on latest literature from Pubmed

UAB IT (VPN service and common softwares)

How to use UAB High-throughput Computing server Cheaha

Electronic lab notebook (use UAB login) LabArchive

Molecular Cloning software SnapGene Viewer  | Integrative Genomics Viewer IGV 

Other information

ASBMB career resources: click here | Transferable skills from PhD Career Paths by UCSF

Cell Mentor online resource for researchers | Writing and review tips from PLOS

One of the best/most comprehensive list of funding opportunities compiled by Johns Hopkins

NHGRI Talking Glossary of Genomics and Genetic Terms: click here | iBiology videos

American Society of Human Genetics: learning center